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Bevel gear commutator is widely used in mechanical products, such as automobiles, machine tools, aviation, engineering machinery transmission and so on, which has a considerable prospect with the advantages of high efficiency, smooth transmission, compact conformation and strong load-bearing capacity, etc.   This paper is mainly to realize the commutation of the implementing mechanism in electroslag furnace by making use of the characteristics of transmission structure of Bevel gear commutator; to design relevant structure of Bevel gear commutator and analyze the finite element simulation by analyzing the movement of transmission structure of Bevel gear commutator. In this thesis, the designer regards three-dimensional software UG as the platform, by using UG parametric modeling to realize the three-dimensional parametric modeling, assembling and finite element analysis of the components of Bevel gear commutator。现在齿轮换向器和丝杆升降机组合可应用于升降平台,如需了解更详细有关齿轮换向器的外形尺寸参数欢迎浏览http://www.nuoguangsh.com/product/txilie/9.html
上一条:MB系列行星摩擦式式无级变速机详解 下一条:蜗轮减速机使用过程常见问题
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